Wednesday, 1 May 2013

Heat Stress Monitor 

  Brand:  3M

  Purpose: Heat Stress Index measures how hot it feels when humidity is combined with temperature, air movement and radiant heat


  •  Real - time readings for wet/dry bulb, globe, WBGT indoor/outdoor, relative humidity and heat index.
  • Advanced features such as Data logging & Stay time calculations 


  • Unable to predict the likely effect of heat 


 The Heat Stress Monitor is a Wet bulb, Dry bulb, Globe thermometer used to assess human heat stress. It uses an accepted method to Gage the effects of temperature, humidity, and air flow on human subjects. 

Places where the Equipment can be use:

  • Hot working environments such as foundries, kitchens and bakeries
  • Sports training and events such as football,tennis
  • Military training and deployment where ever heat exposure may be a problem.      